Monday, July 11, 2011

Meditation on Positive Thinking

I sit relaxed
And begin to harness the power of my mind
For this meditation 
We will allow the natural thoughts To flow
I have a thought that I am a peaceful positive being
I create the thought that I am a positive individual 
And I maintain positive thoughts in every situation
I seek solutions to problems
And My focus in on the answers And not on the problems
I constantly fill my mind with positive powerful thoughts
I focus to replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts
So that the light of positive thinking empowers me
These real thoughts bring a good feeling in my mind
I am a powerful positive being
I am a being of light
And as light I am carefree
As light I am beyond the dramas and chaos of those around me
My only important task is to be powerful in positive thinking
When I have tension I am creating positive thoughts
I do not experience any tension
I am positive powerful being of light
I am an eternal being of light
Any thought that is negative I let it pass
And keep the shining powerful mindset in place
I constantly generate positive powerful thoughts
Positive powerful thoughts are those of an eternal nature
They are who I really am
Just an eternal wonderful, radiant being 
Of positive energy
And in this light my positive mindset cannot be shaken
By any adverse or negative situation that is around me
For I am the lighthouse
Shining within the storm of negativity of the world
But this powerful light I will forever keep ignited
And I let love be the eternal oil
That fuels this eternal flame of light
And a love to keep myself illuminated
By this meditation 
That I will forever practice.

Monday, June 20, 2011

How I first met her

Hi Readers,
I am completely new to this new feature :Blogging.Any suggestions , critics welcomed!!!
It was just an another day for people standing there near hira petrol pump at panjim.But for me it was a very special and important Day as I was about to resume new job.Just like another new joinee ,i was bit anxious about the work place.Thoughts were continuously spinning in my mind "how would be new work,how will be colleagues there..will i able to make new friends ?With whom shall I eat today's lunch ? Will i be alone..?how others will approach me etc  .As a new joinee ,I was unaware about what time exactly office bus arrives at panjim venue and i wasnt completely sure of which bus would come.Would there be a board indicating that its  NE bus ?There were N number of thoughts rolling  in my mind. 

As a new joinee there were some jitters so I thought of reaching panjim as early as possible so that I would get plenty of time locating the place where office bus waits.Hence i left my home to reach panjim.I reached panjim approx at 8.10am.I had a brief information that bus waits for employees near hira petrol pump.So i quickly rushed towards it.After a while of brisk walk I reached the place.

Finally when I reached the location ,I waited for a while trying to locate a bus..... At at 8.30am few minutes later a bus arrived  ...which I thought would  be NE bus.I went near one and asked ..where does this bus go  , as it was very crowded just took 2-3 passenger and left ,I thought i missed the bus.(Then after few days later I came to know that it was  PSPL bus) I tried inquiring about my office bus to many  who were waiting at that location,but unfortunately no body knew .I was so tensed by then that I thought of  calling somebody i knew  and asking  where and what time exactly bus arrives.

Then my eyes went on to see a girl also bit  nervous and trying to search something, holding an umbrella in one hand as it was drizzling.I went near her , and that's how our conversation started ,

myself :Excuse me ,Do you know where NE Tech bus waits?
The very next answer should either be no or yes, to my surprise 
 she said
Girl:New Joinee ?
 myself: yes
Girl : I am also  new joinee waiting for the same.
myself: Do you know where bus waits then.
girl :No,but my friend is there .she will be coming now,I am waiting for her.
I got so relieved after listening to her, that moment I thanked god (within myself)
Her next question,
Girl :QA? (Software Testing )
Then our discussion went on to discuss about job,what it would ,how it would be.....Since then we are buddies........
This is how i got to introduced to her.........It was destined to happen.I must thank god for the same.

Thank you god for being always my strength and support wherever I go.